A good writing pal of mine (the multi-talented Alice Kaltman) gave me an idea. When her YA novel Wavehouse was launched, Alice pledged donations to a charity for every preordered copy. At the time, I thought that was just about the nicest thing I’d ever seen an author do.
In the spirit of giving back and making people happy (readers, charities, my publishers, women, kids, and so forth), I’ll be copy-catting Alice and donating $1 to the House of Ruth in Maryland for every preorder / order of the #VOXBook paperback that’s about to hit the shelves in just two days. House of Ruth is a wonderful charity that helps women (and their children) who are victims of violence.
The details:
1. You order (or preorder) a copy from your favorite retailer between 14 and 18 July 2019.
2. You email me (see my contact page!) a copy of your proof of purchase.
3. I count up all those P of Ps, and multiply the total by $1.
4. House of Ruth gets a check.
Easy peasie, right? And everybody wins!